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Hans Plugge hans.plugge@saferchemicalanalyticsLLC.com

Hans Plugge is a Principal with Safer Chemical Analytics LLC. In his over 40 years of environmental consulting, he has worked on numerous chemicals’ toxicology reviews ranging from vinyl chloride to lead. The new ChemESI Sustainability Index metrics utilizing GHS classifications were developed at Safer Chemical Analytics LLC. EHS and Product Stewardship of chemical products, including cosmetics characterization were performed using a variety of data sources including the Chemical Awareness toolkit. Hans developed quantitative assessment/scoring methodologies for chemical hazard, risk, and industrial hygiene applications, including a Sustainability Index, all directly derived from raw (eco)toxicological data. SDS data was combined with toxicological data to provide workplace safety scoring reports. Integration of hazard and risk assessment methodologies with LCA was explored. Alternatives Assessment of direct chemical replacements, such as butanols, were performed.

Data analyses were as simple as reviewing chemical analytical data, groundwater analysis, site characterization of brownfields and as complex as a detailed socioeconomic and risk analysis of regulation of chemicals toxic to reproduction. Over 125 databases for chemical’s (eco)toxicology and physical chemical data were maintained in a unified format. Uncertainties of (eco)toxicological data were described in the process of deriving data analytics-based uncertainty/assessment factors as well as Thresholds of Toxicological Concern.

Hans holds Master’s degrees in Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry from, respectively, the Harvard University School of Public Health and the University of Guelph. He also has a B.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Amsterdam. He has authored 6 publications and over 50 presentations in the last seven years.
